wow... i have been toying with the idea of making a blog for a while now. i'm always thinking of amusing and bizarre things that happen to me in my various walks of life, but have never gotten around to writing them down. i'll try now. we'll see how it goes- hopefully i'm more faithful to this than i was to that diary i had in fifth grade.
so then, a bit about me (to give my nonsense perspective): i'm the oldest child in an adoptive family of thirteen children. that was not a typo. thirteen. i have nine younger brothers and three younger sisters, and we have all been homeschooled for most of our childhoods. as you might have guessed, my parents are nuts. i'm married to a lovely fellow who's family is also nuts, but in a more normal way. i am both a librarian and a barista. i barista at the local university, which basically involves providing students with their addictions (at least a couple of them) and realizing that the world is going to go all to hell if these dang kids actually get their intended jobs when they graduate. (example: a nursing student asked me the other day what the difference was between a muffin and a bagel. my response: "well, one's a muffin and one's a bagel." she replied, "well you don't have to be all smart about it!" i responded with: "Well apparently, neither do you.") being a librarian pretty much involves the same thing, except for i deal with the general populace. man, how the human race has survived this long is a mystery to me.
i also knit avidly, play online games occasionally, tabletop games even more, read as much as possible, and love to cook. hopefully, i'm also slightly amusing. i'll have life pictures whenever i can get my cat to stop eating the camera cord.
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