Thursday, January 5, 2012

down time

so, i know i promised yall knitting pics of all the holiday goodness.  sorry about that... i seem to only get to post from work.  seriously, i'm not a slacker, but we seem to have... well, an excessive amount of downtime lately.  generally, i don't mind being lazy, and generally i like my job, but lately it's been hard to get up and come in to the library.  we've remodeled, and reconfigured, and had efficiency experts in, so we've streamlined the job process.  too much.  but hey, i have been able to get to level sixteen in online bejeweled, and i am VERY up to date on my facebook.  spam emails do not accumulate.  all this is a long way of saying that although i get to post regularly, i haven't quite stooped to bringing my camera to work.  yet. 

why can't i give you knitting pictures from home, you ask?  well, the husbot and friend we have staying with us have taken over the computers for a indefinite LAN party, and i can't even get over the mountain dew bottles and cheeto bags to get to the computer, let alone wrest it away from the husbot for a minute or two.  i guess the moral of that story is never marry a gamer, but it's too late for me.  i can only give advice. 

however, i have started new projects!  i bought new yarn!  oh oh oh i am so excited.  my first stranded colorwork pattern is on the needles, and i have only had to frog it once so far.  i am making mittens, because my hands were cold right before christmas.  now it's 50 plus degrees out every day, but i am doggedly working away on those mittens- after all, this is colorado, and it will snow in april.  which is when the mittens will be done.  hopefully.  i also bought a lot of sock yarn, but i am waiting for the mail man.  actually, i am waiting for my friend's mail man, as i bought yarn on her account.  i have no credit or debit card (this is a good thing) so i figured if she was going to buy a million dollar's worth of yarn she could tack a few skeins on there for me.  and now she's in louisiana on family business and i am antsy in my pantsy.  why?  because i get to knit for ME!  so excited! 

so anyways, i thought i'd give an update in my downtime.  cause what else am i going to do?  pretty soon, i'll be gambling away the family fortune (don't make me laugh) in online poker.  help me.....

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