Tuesday, November 22, 2011


a lot of my facebook friends are collectively participating in an idea- an idea that you post something that you are thankful for once a day from the beginning of november until thanksgiving day.  i think that's a great idea, but i have never been able to stick with something like that without it seeming like a chore- which then negates the whole "thankful" thing.  plus, it's a really trendy facebook game, and that makes me balk at the idea no matter how cool it is.  that is not to say that i don't have 24 things for which to be thankful.  i do- i have way more than that.  and as thanksgiving is coming, and also as i want to let the world know how grateful i am for life, my life, my family, and my friends, i will lump a bunch of things together here in a public declaration of my awe and gratitude. 

firstly, i am thankful every single day for a choice a lady made 29 years ago.  to my birthmother- thank you for choosing to give me life.  thank you as well for choosing to give me to a family that would help me grow into the adult i am today.  thank you- because through your choice i have not just loving parents, but twelve brothers and sisters to challenge me, worry me, and love me unconditionally.  i've had opportunities that i would have never had.  thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

secondly, thanks mom and dad.  thank you for loving me even though i am a child that people might call "challenging".  thank you for showing me the proper way to love your spouse.  thank you for leading me by example throughout my childhood.  thank you for never letting me know that we were poor.  thank you for encouraging all my hobbies, ideas, and interests.  thank you for letting me see that there is a huge world out there- and that i can impact that world. 

to my husband- thank you for being my husband.  i know it can't be easy.  i'm glad that the last few years have had you in them.  i can't imagine loving anybody else- even if i'm yelling at you to put the dang toilet seat down.  you bring out the best in me-after all, the living room is still clean and we have money in the bank.  that's better than without you.  i love you. 

to my siblings- thanks for being my babies.  i love all of you, even though i smack you around, tease you, and call you all idiots.  you are.  but you'll grow out of it eventually.  i'm so very excited to see what all of you will become- the adults you'll be.  thanks for giving me that opportunity.

there's so much more i could say- so much more to be thankful for. i can't even begin to touch the surface. THANK YOU to everybody who makes my life so rich. i love all of you.

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