Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: thank you (not)

a lot of folks i know are talking about 2011, how the year was, what events occurred, what happened- so i am motivated to do the same.  word of warning- this post will contain a small amount of strong language.  fyi.

ah, 2011.  there's a saying: "don't let the door hit you on the way out". that's how i feel about you, year.  you have sucked so hard, and so much, and with such stunning diversity i just don't even know if i could take another year like you.  you have tested me physically, emotionally, professionally, and financially, and while i hope that i made it through a stronger person, i would really not like to do that again.  here's just a small list of the things i need to thank you for, in the manner of jimmy fallon.  (you should read his "thank you" book, by the way.  cracks me the hell up.)

2011, thanks for giving me the roommate from hell.  thanks.  i loved being greeting with "fuck you" every time he saw me.  that does wonders for one's self-esteem, let me tell you. i loved being made to feel like a maid in my own home.  i especially loved how he owes me over $2000, yet i will never see it.  i'm so glad that you put a person in my life who is rascist, mysogynistic, and publicly rude to my family.  i'm also going to add that he never did dishes, or took the trash out, and that he killed my cat.  (all true.)  was this supposed to build character?

2011, thanks for showing me that, at least one time, my husband will choose a friend he barely knew over his own wife.  while roommate from hell was verbally abusive, my husband stood by and did nothing.  when he did not pay the rent, my husband refused to kick him out.  he bought him food, and alcohol, and cleaned up his messes.  when i complained, begged, pleaded to my husband for roommate removal, i was simply told that i was a bitch.  thanks, both 2011 and my husband, for making me feel worthless to you for 7 months.  truly though, i know now what i will put up with, and husband- you were a week away from losing me.  i know now that if that happens again, i am willing to walk away from my marriage.  (and glad that i didn't.  but it was hard.) 

2011, thanks for showing me that i will never ever ever get a promotion in my chosen field.  go ahead and kick me while i'm down, ok?  i appreciate that.  (3 interviews this year.  nothing.  also one interview for a completely different job.  nothing there, too.)

2011, thanks for showing me that i am still just as shitty with money as i was five years ago.  i seriously would like to be able to pay my bills without incident just once in my life.  perhaps my husband and i could be happier if i wasn't constantly bouncing checks.  just a thought. 

2011, thanks for crapping on the one amazingly, astoundingly lovely thing my parents have ever done for me.  they wanted to help us buy a house, and they tried so hard, but no matter what we tried, it couldn't happen.  i think it hurt them even more than it hurt me.  it broke my heart when i found out that the house wasn't going to happen- not just because i wasn't getting one, but because it was a leap of love and faith on my parent's part that i had never seen before.  we got so close during the process, and anyone could tell that when it didn't happen my parents felt awful.  somehow, that hurt the most. 

2011- thanks for all of it.  this is just the major stuff.  i can't believe how bad this year was, for me, my friends, and my family.  2012 better be a heck of a lot better, because there's nowhere to go but up.  (until the world ends in a zombie apocalypse.)  next time:  happy knitting pictures.  i promise. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder....with how bad 2011 was for all of us...would a zombie apocalypse be so bad?
