Friday, February 10, 2012

impulse control

my income tax came in.  actually, my state income tax came in, even before the federal, so i'm a wee bit confused about that- but no matter, i got money!  and as all reasonable and rational people do, i decided that i would save it.  nest eggs are good!

and then i spent it.

well, actually, i didn't spend all of it.  i didn't even spend half, but i still feel guilty about it, seeing as i've been cut a day at work, and money's a bit tight.  ya know how i was making fun of my friend with all the yarn?  (whom i totally adore, by the way.  she gave me goodbye yarn.  obviously she knows the way to my heart.  yarn, and three musketeers bars.  i will love her forever.)  well, ummm..... i spent my money on yarn too.  i walked into the yarn shop with sixty dollars.  anybody who knows a lot about yarn can tell you that sixty bucks really isn't a lot of money to spend on yarn, and i don't have a credit card.  i thought "hey, i'm going to limit myself.  i can only spend the money that i have in my wallet.  this is good."  nope.  there was a gas station with an atm within walking distance.  and guess who walked her happy butt over there to use it?  *points with thumbs* this kid.

it was the sock yarn that did it.  oh, they have sock yarn.  (i have never been to this shop, by the way.  it was a new shop for me, and i think that may have been part of the problem.)  i got three skeins of it, and blew my sixty bucks right there.  but man, this sock yarn..... well, you don't even know.  let's just say that i have a weakness for anything acid green and leave it at that.  but three new pairs of socks, in really cool patterns?  well, that's at least a month of knitting fun right there.  i paid the man, and he went into the back to wind my yarn for me (i might add here- a dude working in a yarn shop?  totally hot.  he was straight too.  sixty, with grandkids, but straight.  i love that. and the fact that i thought it hot- quite bothersome.) and i felt quite proud of myself.  but then i wandered over to the knitting notions and saw.....

sock keepers.  yup.  i have been coveting them with all the covetousness of my heart for just about ever.  and then i hopped myself over to the atm.  i bought three.  i never have this many socks in progress.  three??  what the hell, me.  sigh.  and i got needles too.  ya know.  so i can make more socks.  to justify the sock keepers.  eiii.  

so there it is.  i can't tease my friend any more again ever.  please don't tell my husband?  

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